Hello Blogging world! I cant believe my last post was last year! *sigh* Well, a ton of stuff has happened and I will keep this brief and to the point.
In Feb. Paul got laid off from his job (again) because the company had cash flow issues and was unable to continue paying his salary. He is now collecting unemployment and getting ready to start school full time in May at UVU. Because our income was cut even more, we have been praying and doing all we can to stay afloat and one thing we did was post our condo for rent again. Because of the value of our condo and a lawsuit going on with the builder right now we cannot sell with out bringing a ton of money, we cannot refinance because the value is less than we owe and the lawsuit. Our only options at this time is to foreclose, short sale, or rent. We were in the process of trying to qualify for a loan modification (those are scary too) when all of a sudden, out of the blue our previous tenant calls and said he is moving back to Utah and want to rent our place again! He is a great guy and he loves the place. The only catch is he needs to move in THIS weekend! So we only got 1 weeks notice to move but we no longer have to worry about loosing the place and destroying our credit for 1 year!
The Lord works in mysterious ways and this was not how we were expecting things to turn out. A HUGE blessing! So now we will stay with some awesome friends for a few weeks until we find an apartment near Pauls school to rent at a good price.
Another hidden blessing in all this is that Paul was laid off. He has now been able to apply and receive Pele Grants and other free money for m the gov. because he was laid off and did not quit. So this means we will not have to go in debt with student loans because the grants take care of the tuition plus some! We will get the extra money to use towards living expenses. *Sigh* I am soooooooo relieved and grateful! This has brought our love closer and our hearts more full of testimony and joy for the power pf prayer and faith in the gospel. This past few months have been scary and a couple of times we asked ourselves if we were going to end on the street and loose everything! ( I know family reading this would not let that happen) but that is what is felt like when we didn't know how the bills were going to be paid or get things Andrew needs. We have been so blessed for an amazing Bishop who loves and supports us and has offered his helping hand. I am sad that we will no longer be in his ward, we will miss him dearly.
This last conference was the icing on the cake. Listening to all the inspired talks filled us with warmth and encouragement. I know it was what I needed to boost my morale. We know that Paul going to school and change his career is the thing we need to do right now, that is the reason we were brought back to Utah and it fills my heart when I see him so excited for this new adventure. I am proud of his hard work and dedication to providing all he can to our growing family. I want him to be passionate and love what he does and is makes me happy this he is now following that path. I love his sooooo much and cant wait to see where his new career takes us. Who knows? we could end up in Europe :)
Andrew is doing GREAT he is full of joy all the time and brings a smile on our faces no matter how sad or hurting we are. He is our Angel and knows just what to do to comfort us. He is full of energy and talking up a storm! He likes to explore and he is so proud of himself when he feels like he accomplished something on his own. such a fun little boy.
Well, i gotta get back to packing, until next time appreciate the little things in life and nothing is impossible. :)
13 years ago