Friday, March 1, 2013


I have started A blog that I hope will be a motivation for me and others to do the things they and I have been wanting to do for so long. Lets hope it works :)
I am working with a close friends of ours to help bring him business as a financial planner and am also looking for some part time childcare work as well.
We are closing on our home on March 28 and I cant WAIT! I am so excited to be settling down finally. This will will be our 9th move in our 7 years of marriage. Can you believe that?
I am also thinking hard about becoming a Norwex consultant. Gotta still talk it out with Paul but I think i would be good at it.
This is a quick update and kinda all over the place but I am trying to stay on top of this blog too since I don't do much writing in my journal. :)
See you next time.

Monday, February 25, 2013

So long... oops

Hello again, It has been a while and I know I have said I would not let time like this pass by without an update but,,,,, oops. :)
Here is the all the good stuff short and sweet:
Paul got a job at SDV in North Houston. It is a French owned company with lots of French employees. He feels right at home speaking the language he learned on his mission. He is really enjoying it there and hopes to advance as they expand their company.
We welcomed Austin Lyn Zahrabelny on December 11, 2013. The pregnancy went pretty well, I was on 17p which is a hormone shot to encourage my body to keep baby in longer and closer to the due date. Little Austin decided to come 3 weeks early and we were so happy to welcome him. Andrew adores him and loves being a bit brother. Labor and delivery were virtually painless (or my pain tolerance is high) I loved the whole process, very smooth and with 2 pushes little man was here! Could not have gone better. :)
We are building a house and will be moving end of March. We are so excited and ready to settle down!
We just had our 7 year wedding anniversary where we did black light mini golf and ate at Tommy Bahamas, it was a lot of fun!
This is the good news that has hit our family since the last time I made a post. Short and sweet and to the point, till next time. Goodnight

Friday, July 20, 2012

Short and sweet

I don't have great access to my blog until we get settled so this will be short and sweet. We have made it to Texas and are staying with my parents while Paul searches for a job. This week he has a couple of interviews so we are hopeful something will work out soon. I was able to have my first dr. Appointment at 16 weeks and we saw and heard a strong heartbeat! This was what I needed for my nerves, knowing my baby is growing and is healthy. The best news ever! Andrew is adjusting and is enjoying time with Grandma and Grandpa. He is full of energy and we are also enjoying catching up with good friends. That is all for now :-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


wow, I can't believe I have not posted since October of last year! I am imberrased and ashamed. Paul is finished with school except for an internship which he is looking for and has two interviews next week. End of May we packed up our stuff and put it in storage then hit the road and have been in Ontario Canada with his parents ever since. We will be leaving this Sunday back to the states for interviews and mosey our way down to Houston once again! Andrew is so talkative right now and wants to know what everything is. His favorite phrase is "What's that?" as he points to a thing or person. It is so much fun watching him grow. He has graduated to a big boy bed and is loving it! He is also going to be a big brother in December of this year! I just passed my 3 month mark and am really excited, even more excited to see a doctor because of traveling I have not been able to yet. I get really paranoid some days that maybe I am not pregnant but everyone reassures me that I am and things are fine that the baby is growing healthy and strong. I just cant help but to worry, I am sure if I had seen a doctor that I would still be worried so it probably would not make difference. Lol. We are really hopeful that Paul will land a job soon, he has worked so hard and taken the right steps that I know he will be successful. We are relying a lot on faith and prayers right now so feel free to join in. We are so grateful for all the family and friend support we are receiving, we could not do this without you. We love you all and I promise I will not wait so long to update my blog anymore! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall is here!

Well, its almost that time of year again! We have been back in Utah for just over a year now. (Crazy, i know) Paul is still knee deep in school work and I am working at a steakhouse at night to help with the bills.
Andrew is growing so fast and is such a sweet boy. He LOVES cars, in fact that is the only toy he is really interested right now. lol He is widening his vocabulary and mimics whatever we do.
NOT much else is going on right now just getting ready for Halloween and the Holidays. Till next time.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Holiday/ Summer

Wow! it is getting HOT here, I am such a wimp when it comes to heat. :) Anyway, we are getting settled in our new place in Logan. Paul has started his Summer classes and is almost done. They are a lot more difficult in Summer because instead of getting 3 months for a semester, you only get 4 weeks a semester! Yikes! But he is doing really good and is excited to start the fall.
Andrew is loving the Summer! He is a fish :) Always wanting to play in the water. He is doing really good with his medicines and has stopped coughing! YAY! He is my little monkey, always happy and climbing and talking and laughing and getting into things and learning and.... I could go on and on! He makes us sooo proud. He is doing really well in nursery class and is participating in the songs and games.
Paul and I received callings this last week. Paul is with the 11 year old scouts and I am a relief society teacher. It will be fun, we really enjoy our ward.
We cant wait to take Andrew to see fireworks on Monday, he will LOVE them :)
I am still looking for something part time but the job market is really bad here in this little town for what I do. So we are going to try and get me some grant money to start my schooling this fall. I am going to be an Interior Designer! I know, I am really excited! Paul has applied for an education grant which will pay for his school and he keeps his unemployment, if I can get the same thing then we will be set through school :)

Ok, that's all for now, I need to go apologize to my Hunny (I got mad and blew something out of per-portion and  am feeling really bad right now) Good Night

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So it has been a whirlwind the past month! We ended up letting our last tenant move back into our condo then Paul got accepted to Utah State to finish his school so now we are settled in Logan Utah!
This is an exciting time for us and we are being blessed in ways that we never imagined. Because of Paul's lay off, he now gets free grant money to finish school so our out of pocket is not that much! He is really excited to see what this bachelor degree will bring. Who knows? We may end up living internationally. His degree is in International business. I am up for the adventure :)
Andrew is doing great!  I think we have his asthma under control now and he is sleeping better because of it. He is growing and talking and dancing :) He likes to say "dirty, uh-oh, doggy, ducky, please, ka ka and thank you" along with Mommy and Daddy (of course).
Not a lot is happening now except Andrew just woke up from nap so I will go rescue him, until next time. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We Meet Again!

Hello Blogging world! I cant believe my last post was last year! *sigh* Well, a ton of stuff has happened and I will keep this brief and to the point.
In Feb. Paul got laid off from his job (again) because the company had cash flow issues and was unable to continue paying his salary. He is now collecting unemployment and getting ready to start school full time in May at UVU. Because our income was cut even more, we have been praying and doing all we can to stay afloat and one thing we did was post our condo for rent again. Because of the value of our condo and a lawsuit going on with the builder right now we cannot sell with out bringing a ton of money, we cannot refinance because the value is less than we owe and the lawsuit. Our only options at this time is to foreclose, short sale, or rent. We were in the process of trying to qualify for a loan modification (those are scary too) when all of a sudden, out of the blue our previous tenant calls and said he is moving back to Utah and want to rent our place again! He is a great guy and he loves the place. The only catch is he needs to move in THIS weekend! So we only got 1 weeks notice to move but we no longer have to worry about loosing the place and destroying our credit for 1 year!
The Lord works in mysterious ways and this was not how we were expecting things to turn out. A HUGE blessing! So now we will stay with some awesome friends for a few weeks until we find an apartment near Pauls school to rent at a good price.
Another hidden blessing in all this is that Paul was laid off. He has now been able to apply and receive Pele Grants and other free money for m the gov. because he was laid off and did not quit. So this means we will not have to go in debt with student loans because the grants take care of the tuition plus some! We will get the extra money to use towards living expenses. *Sigh* I am soooooooo relieved and grateful! This has brought our love closer and our hearts more full of testimony and joy for the power pf prayer and faith in the gospel. This past few months have been scary and a couple of times we asked ourselves if we were going to end on the street and loose everything! ( I know family reading this would not let that happen) but that is what is felt like when we didn't know how the bills were going  to be paid or get things Andrew needs. We have been so blessed for an amazing Bishop who loves and supports us and has offered his helping hand. I am sad that we will no longer be in his ward, we will miss him dearly.
This last conference was the icing on the cake. Listening to all the inspired talks filled us with warmth and encouragement. I know it was what I needed to boost my morale. We know that Paul going to school and change his career is the thing we need to do right now, that is the reason we were brought back to Utah and it fills my heart when I see him so excited for this new adventure. I am proud of his hard work and dedication to providing all he can to our growing family. I want him to be passionate and love what he does and is makes me happy this he is now following that path. I love his sooooo much and cant wait to see where his new career takes us. Who knows? we could end up in Europe :)
Andrew is doing GREAT he is full of joy all the time and brings a smile on our faces no matter how sad or hurting we are. He is our Angel and knows just what to do to comfort us. He is full of energy and talking up a storm! He likes to explore and he is so proud of himself when he feels like he accomplished something on his own. such a fun little boy.
Well, i gotta get back to packing, until next time appreciate the little things in life and nothing is impossible. :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well, it has been a long time since updating.... So here is December all wrapped up in a small post. This month has been interesting, we have all been sick at the same time and different times with different colds. Yuck, I know. Andrew has been exploring and discovering new things, he loves to video conference with his grandparents though his attention span is only about 10 minutes it is still really special. He tries to touch the screen as if he could in real life and smiles and laughs. He is talking (or what he thinks is talking) sooooo much it is very amusing. He is a very outgoing kid.
Paul's work is slow this time of year and we are hoping things pick up in the new year. He finished the 1st of 3 math courses he needs to take to finish his degree and is starting to apply to several school he is interested in attending to get his Bachelors. We are not set on staying in Utah so we will see where the wind takes us. He hopes to start school full time in September. In the mean time he is trying to enjoy the snow and has been skiing a few times since we have been here and I plan to go with him sometime in January.
Not much has happened with me, I hit the ripe old age of 25 this month and for my birthday Paul surprised me with getting my wedding ring fixed. I was missing a couple of diamonds. It wont be ready until January and I cant wait to get it back! I am working on a few projects and still practicing day trading to work toward staying home with a second income. We plan on adding one more to our family in 2011 and that is about it.

We had a nice quiet Christmas and Andrew LOVED all his gifts. Here's to a eventful, exciting 2011!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Well, this last month has been filled with ups and downs. I will keep this short and sweet. So the job Paul got so that we could move back to UT so he could finish his school turned to not be a very good or stable job. In fact, through series of events, out of Paul's control he ended up loosing that job. It was very stressful because we are sick of being so tight with money, living pay check to pay check and we thought those days were close to over with this job. I guess the Lord saw that we were getting too comfortable and decided to throw a wrench in our plans, we are now starting to see the blessing in all this. So we were trying to think of what we can do, I am not making very much a week and now Paul was jobless but we still needed to pay for mortgage, car and other living expenses. We didn't know how it was going to work and feared for the worst, loosing our home. Through the network of FaceBook, Paul contacted a good friend who had a referral for him. He had an interview the same week he lost his other job and was hired on the spot! It is in the same industry but pays significantly less in salary but offers a higher earning potential over time. With this cut in pay we had to rework our budget and are blessed that we can make everything fit within it with our 2 small incomes. No wiggle room though until his commissions start coming in. Christmas will be very tight this year and I am forced to be creative with gifts as well. I am not complaining too much because I love to come up with fun crafty projects. :) All in all, we are so blessed to have each other and our family. I know the Lord knows a bigger picture than we do and I know he is looking out for Paul and had a hand in redirecting him to this new job where he is so much happier and relaxed. I don't know where it will take him or how long he will be there but I know the Lord would never put us in a situation where we could not provide for his righteous little spirit that he has entrusted us with (as long as we are doing our best). He is aware of our needs and our bottom line and it is not just coincidence that this worked out so smoothly and that our budget equals out to almost the dollar. We are a lot more appreciative of the things we do have and are learning the true meaning of happiness. The happiness and joy that is brought through love and faith, through being creative and supporting one another. I love my family and friends with all my heart and I love the Lord and my Savior for looking out for us and directing us through this life filled with land mines. In a way, I feel this change in job for Paul has saved us from stepping on one of those mines in the future, I guess we will never know. I just know that Paul was not happy ans was being held back by the way the corporate giants were running the place. We are so grateful for where we are now and I am happy to see the stress melt off of Paul, he is a happier man at his new place of work even though the pay is much less. It proves that money can't buy happiness.
On another note, Andrew had a fun Halloween and we are looking forward to spending the holidays with him and watching his discover the world around him. He is walking so good now and is trying to run! He has mastered the art of walking in just a few short weeks, he is so smart! Until next time, enjoy the season and God Bless.